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What does nocturnal diarrhea indicate?

What does nocturnal diarrhea indicate?

Nocturnal diarrhea refers to diarrhea that happens at night. Chronic nocturnal diarrhea can be a sign of a more serious health condition, such as diabetes, a bowel disorder, or an infection. Persistent diarrhea can also interrupt sleep and affect the quality of life.

Why is my diarrhea yellow water?

Yellow liquid poop could indicate an underlying disorder in the liver or gallbladder. Bright yellow liquid stool can also be a sign of giardiasis, an infection caused by an intestinal parasite that you can get from drinking contaminated water.

What causes diarrhea after eating chicken?

But another common type of bacteria called campylobacter can also make you ill if you eat poultry that isn’t fully cooked. Like a salmonella infection, campylobacteriosis can cause diarrhea and sometimes other serious complications.

How to know if you have diarrhea after eating?

Know the red flag digestive symptoms, which are especially dangerous symptoms to watch out for that call for an immediate medical consultation. These include rectal bleeding, vomiting, lack of appetite, significant weight loss, fever, abdominal pain and cramping at night, and anemia.

Can a stomach virus cause vomiting and diarrhea?

If you have the stomach flu, you won’t be able to keep any food in your system. You will develop symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, chills, abdominal pain and diarrhea, according to MedlinePlus. Eating can cause episodes of vomiting and diarrhea.

Can a weight loss surgery cause diarrhea after eating?

Dumping syndrome: This complication of weight loss surgery isn’t common, but it can be a cause of PD. With this condition, your stomach empties very quickly after eating. This triggers the reflex that manages bowel movements, so diarrhea may be more common.

What foods should you avoid if you have diarrhea after eating?

Follow your doctor’s orders to best manage your underlying health problem. Eat small meals throughout your day and avoid fatty foods, such as fried food, fatty meats, and thick gravy. Large meals and fatty foods can increase the strength of intestinal contractions and thus prompt a diarrhea episode.