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What ENGL 1102?

What ENGL 1102?

English 1102 focuses on argumentative writing and is designed to increase your ability to construct persuasive appeals based on the highest academic standards of logic and evidence. In this course, you will try out a variety of arguments that draw on different types of sources as evidence.

What is the difference between summarizing paraphrasing and quoting?

Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are all different ways of including the ideas of others into your assignments. Quoting passages allows you to share the specific words and phrases of another author, while paraphrasing and summarizing allow you to show your understanding and interpretation of a text.

Are summarizing and paraphrasing the same?

Paraphrasing is writing any particular text in your own words while summarizing is mentioning only the main points of any work in your own words. Paraphrasing is almost equal to or somewhat less than the original text while summarizing is substantially shorter than the original.

What are the four steps to paraphrasing?


  1. Step 1: Read.
  2. Step 2: Take Notes.
  3. Step 3: Think About What You Read.
  4. Step 4: Write It In Your Own Words.
  5. Step 5: Cite Your Source.
  6. Citing in APA.
  7. Citing in MLA.

In which situations should students correctly cite the source?

ALWAYS CITE, in the following cases:

  • When you quote two or more words verbatim, or even one word if it is used in a way that is unique to the source.
  • When you introduce facts that you have found in a source.
  • When you paraphrase or summarize ideas, interpretations, or conclusions that you find in a source.

Is English 1101 hard?

Well-Known Member. No it’s not hard. You’ll just learn how to structure things, write essays properly. It’s all very basic and will definitely help you to learn how to write better.

What does English 1101 consist of?

English 1101 introduces you to college writing, increasing your ability to construct written prose. It focuses on methods of organization, analysis, research skills, and the production of short expository essays. The course will introduce you to readings on issues of contemporary social and cultural concern.

What is the one thing does not need to be cited?

Common knowledge does not need to be cited. Common knowledge includes facts that are known by a lot of people and can be found in many sources. For example, you do not need to cite the following: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.