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What is a with profits life insurance policy?

What is a with profits life insurance policy?

A with-profits policy is a type of insurance policy that lets you share in the profits and losses of the fund’s long-term insurance business, which includes life assurance and pensions business. Your money, together with other policyholders’ money, is invested in the fund.

What is a with profits final bonus?

Final bonus This is an additional bonus, which we expect to pay when you take money from your Plan. If the investment return has been low over the life of your Plan, you might not get a final bonus. It’s not guaranteed and it can change.

Are with profits any good?

Some ten million of us have a with-profits plan of some sort, most often in the form of an endowment mortgage or pension plan. Sold by commission-hungry IFAs as well as directly by major insurance companies, with-profits policies have a well-earned reputation for murky charges, poor performance and high costs.

What does a with profits pension mean?

With-profits, a guarantee for your pension. With-profits investments can form all or part of your pension. The money you put into a with-profits fund is pooled with other investors’ money and invested in a mixture of shares, bonds, property and cash.

How do with profits funds work?

With profits funds are a type of ‘pooled investment’ fund. This means that you pay into the fund along with a number of other investors and your money, along with that of other members, is put together and invested in stocks, shares, equities, bonds and property over a set period of time.

What is Standard Life final bonus?

For unitised plans, the final bonus is the difference between the unit value and the payout value. Sometimes there will be no final bonus. The payout value from a unitised plan can be higher or lower than its unit value. Any payment above the unit value is the final bonus.

Are with profits bonds a good investment?

With-profits products offer greater growth potential than cash, and generally have a lower risk profile than stocks and shares. This may make them attractive to investors as part of a balanced investment portfolio.

Is it worth transferring a with profits pension?

Obviously, if the investment performance has been poor and the charges are high then you might consider transferring to another more modern pension, but you should be very careful about transferring prematurely just because it feels tidier to combine your pensions in one place, especially if you would have to pay a …

Are with-profits funds low risk?

As a with-profits investor, your money is pooled with others’ and invested in a range of different assets (known as an asset mix), which make up our With-Profit Fund. The fund will always hold a mixture of higher and lower risk assets to help achieve its objectives.

Can with-profits funds go down?

Our with-profits investments Bonuses are not guaranteed and bonus rates can go down as well as up. However, once added they can’t be taken away. There is a risk that the value of your investment could go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested.