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What is an example of a specific phobia?

What is an example of a specific phobia?

Common categories of specific phobias are a fear of: Situations, such as airplanes, enclosed spaces or going to school. Nature, such as thunderstorms or heights. Animals or insects, such as dogs or spiders.

Why do we fear someone?

Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. It is programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct. From the time we’re infants, we are equipped with the survival instincts necessary to respond with fear when we sense danger or feel unsafe. Fear helps protect us.

What are greatest fears?

10 Biggest Fears That Hold You Back from Living Your Best Life

  1. Fear of Failure. The fear of failure is one of the most common biggest fear that hold people back from living their best life.
  2. Fear of Success.
  3. Fear of Loss.
  4. Fear of Being Judged.
  5. Fear of Losing Our ‘Identity’
  6. Fear of Losing Control.
  7. Fear of Time.
  8. Fear of Who You Really Are.

What are the most common specific phobias?

Common phobias list

  • acrophobia, fear of heights.
  • aerophobia, fear of flying.
  • arachnophobia, fear of spiders.
  • astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning.
  • autophobia, fear of being alone.
  • claustrophobia, fear of confined or crowded spaces.
  • hemophobia, fear of blood.
  • hydrophobia, fear of water.

What is the longest phobia name?


What is specific phobia?

Specific phobia is an intense, irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger. Although adults with phobias may realize that these fears are irrational, even thinking about facing the feared object or situation brings on severe anxiety symptoms.

Which two phobias are we born with?

And as we do, we may make mistakes, we will always learn and grow. So what are those two fears? They are the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling. As for the universal ones, being afraid of heights is pretty common but are you afraid of falling or do you feel that you are in control enough not to be scared.

What are people’s deepest fears?

Here are the top 10 fears that hold people back in life:

  1. Change. We live in an ever-changing world, and it is happening more rapidly than ever before.
  2. Loneliness.
  3. Failure.
  4. Rejection.
  5. Uncertainty.
  6. Something Bad Happening.
  7. Getting Hurt.
  8. Being Judged.

How specific phobia can affect us?

Phobias can leave you feeling helpless. Just as others wonder why you can’t simply not be afraid, you may feel at a loss for being unable to control your phobia. This feeling of helplessness can also leave you feeling much less control over your whole life.