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What is an example of linguistic profiling?

What is an example of linguistic profiling?

Many Americans can guess a caller’s ethnic background from their first hello on the telephone. D., the inventor of the term “linguistic profiling,” says that when a voice on the phone sounds African-American or Mexican-American, racial discrimination might follow.

What is linguistic profiling law?

“Linguistic profiling” is the auditory equivalent of visual “racial profiling.” It has to do with inferences and judgments made on the basis of a person’s speech. Linguistic profiling also shows the complex entanglement of race and class in discrimination.

What is the significance of the 1999 case Clifford vs Kentucky?

In 1999, in the case of Clifford v. Kentucky, the Supreme Court of Kentucky enlisted linguistic profiling to convict an African American appellant who was overheard by a white police officer. Thus far this case affirms the legality of racial identification based on speech by a lay witness.

What are Ebonics?

Ebonics is a vernacular form of American English used in the home or for day-to-day communication rather than for formal occasions. It typically diverges most from standard American English when spoken by people with low levels of education.

Is linguistic profiling legal?

Refusal of housing based on the profiling of linguistic traits is clearly illegal, yet evidence must be found that the housing authority in question could indeed effectively determine the race or ethnicity of the applicant.

What is linguistic discrimination?

Language discrimination occurs when a person is treated differently because of her native language or other characteristics of her language skills. For example, an employee may be experiencing language discrimination if the workplace has a “speak-English-only” policy but her primary language is one other than English.

What do you think are some consequences for linguistic profiling?

The negative effects of linguistic profiling are seen in the practice of denying housing or employment based on stereotypes associated with dialect and/or accent. Further negative practices are associated with education and general treatment of individuals speaking stigmatized dialects.

How can linguistic discrimination be prevented?

5 Best Practices to Avoid Discriminatory Language

  1. Use people-first language. Using people-first language is one way to avoid derogatory language in job descriptions.
  2. Avoid gender assumptions.
  3. Use gender-inclusive language.
  4. Use an augmented writing tool.
  5. Create a “discriminatory language in the workplace policy”

How is linguistic profiling used in the United States?

Many Americans can guess a caller’s ethnic background from their first hello on the telephone. However, the inventor of the term “linguistic profiling” has found in a current study that when a voice sounds African-American or Mexican-American, racial discrimination may follow.

What does Dennis Preston say about linguistic profiling?

Linguist Dennis Preston has presented an expansion of the rulings set down on the use of linguistic profiling in legal contexts. Preston argues for the further definition of “personal familiarity” with a dialect to an individual as a member of the speech community within which the identification is taking place.

What is Van Halteren’s theory of linguistic profiling?

Van Halteren’s theory deals with the categorization of linguistic features for the purposes of author identification and verification from a text, not necessarily specifically addressing the socially defined categories within which they are included. 3.1.2 Sanchez v. People 3.1.3 Clifford v.

Are there any studies on racial profiling in insurance?

An audit-pair study that exposed linguistic and racial bias against minority speakers who were seeking to purchase homeowners’ insurance. These findings confirm that some insurance agents would deduce the race of prospective clients during telephone calls.