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What is anthropogenic climate change caused by?

What is anthropogenic climate change caused by?

The Theory of Anthropogenic Climate Change is that humans are causing most of the current changes to climate by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.

What is the biggest contributor to anthropogenic climate change?

Coal is the single biggest contributor to anthropogenic climate change. The burning of coal is responsible for 46% of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide and accounts for 72% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the electricity sector.

What is the evidence for the anthropogenic greenhouse effect?

The CO2 released from the burning of fossil fuels is accumulating as an insulating blanket around the Earth, trapping more of the Sun’s heat in our atmosphere. Actions carried out by humans are called anthropogenic actions; the anthropogenic release of CO2 contributes to the current enhanced greenhouse effect [1] .

What are three types of evidence for climate change?

Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks.

What industry contributes most to global warming?


  • Transportation (29 percent of 2019 greenhouse gas emissions) – The transportation sector generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Electricity production (25 percent of 2019 greenhouse gas emissions) – Electricity production generates the second largest share of greenhouse gas emissions.

What are the four main greenhouse gases?

Overview of Greenhouse Gases

  • Overview.
  • Carbon Dioxide.
  • Methane.
  • Nitrous Oxide.
  • Fluorinated Gases.

How do you fix climate change?

Top 10 things you can do about climate change

  1. Urge government to take bold, ambitious climate action now.
  2. Use energy wisely — and save money too!
  3. Get charged up with renewables.
  4. Eat for a climate-stable planet.
  5. Start a climate conversation.
  6. Green your commute.
  7. Consume less, waste less, enjoy life more.