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What is Bafa in Germany?

What is Bafa in Germany?

The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) is a superior federal authority subordinated to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.

What is a Bafa license?

BAFA means the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control in Germany. It is a higher federal authority within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, which also performs tasks for other federal ministries.

What are the top 3 exports in Germany?

Exports accounted for 41% of national output. The top 10 exports of Germany are vehicles, machinery, chemical goods, electronic products, electrical equipment, pharmaceuticals, transport equipment, basic metals, food products, and rubber and plastics.

What Germany exports the most?

Searchable List of Germany’s Most Valuable Export Products

Rank Germany’s Export Product 2020 Value (US$)
1 Cars $122,200,241,000
2 Medication mixes in dosage $60,097,726,000
3 Automobile parts/accessories $54,205,949,000
4 Blood fractions (including antisera) $31,827,669,000

Do I need an export license to ship to Germany?

Licensing procedure An export licence is always required if the commodity is mentioned in the European or national list of items. An export licence may be granted if the export does not impair the foreign policy and security interests of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Does Germany have import tariffs?

Germany is party to the European Union’s Common Customs Tariff, therefore preferential rates apply to imports from countries which the EU has signed agreements with. Duties range from 0-17%, with the general tariff averaging 4.2%.

What does Bafa stand for?


Acronym Definition
BAFA British American Football Association (Gridiron football)
BAFA British Arts Festivals Association
BAFA Brevet d’Aptitudes aux Fonctions d’Animateur (French: Animation Capacity Diploma)
BAFA Bay Area Friends of Armenia

What can I not bring into Germany?


  • Medicinal products and narcotics. You must observe certain requirements if you are bringing medicinal products as normal travel requisites.
  • Cash.
  • Fireworks.
  • Instruments of torture.
  • Dangerous dogs.
  • Publications or media likely to harm minors and unconstitutional publications.
  • Cultural assets.
  • Food and feedstuffs.

What was the original name of the BAFA?

The BAFA is authorised to make the final decision on whether German goods are permitted for export. The predecessor Bundesamt für Wirtschaft (BAW) (Federal Office of Economics) was founded in 1954. Its original name was Bundesamt für gewerbliche Wirtschaft (Federal Office for Industrial Economics).

Who is the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control ( BAFA )?

The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) is a superior federal authority subordinated to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.

When does the BAFA export control newsletter Come Out?

: Newsletter Export Control – Information Service of Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) … The March 2018 Issue of Newsletter Export Control has been published. More : Newsletter Export Control – Information Service of Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) …

What is the purpose of the BAFA simulation?

The simulation is intended to improve participants’ cross- cultural competence by helping them understand the impact of culture on the behavior of people and organizations.