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What is enhanced cooperation in the EU?

What is enhanced cooperation in the EU?

This leads us to a notion much-discussed in the last few days: enhanced cooperation. This mechanism, laid down in the EU Treaties, enables MS to pass EU law without binding all states. Technically, enhanced cooperation as such is authorised by the Council, then regular legal acts can be passed within it.

What is meant by enhanced cooperation What are the main provisions relating to it?

Usage. Enhanced cooperation allows for a minimum of nine member states (which amounts to almost one-third at the moment) to co-operate within the structures of the EU without all member states. This allows them to move at different speeds, and towards different goals, than those outside the enhanced cooperation area.

What is a patent package?

When the packaging carries the wording, “patent pending,” or after issue, the patent number, notice is given to industry and consumer alike. The packaging becomes part of the owner’s assets known as intellectual property. But patents, by definition, are issued for uniqueness, even boldness, one might say.

What is Enhanced Cooperation Program?

The package, known as the Enhanced Cooperation Programme (ECP), originated in part in response to growing instability in Papua New Guinea and out of concerns that the country was a weak link in Australia’s anti-terrorism strategy.

What is an SPC patent?

Supplementary protection certificates (SPCs) are an intellectual property right that serve as an extension to a patent right. They apply to specific pharmaceutical and plant protection products that have been authorised by regulatory authorities. An SPC can extend a patent right for a maximum of five years.

Can I patent packaging?

Patents can be used to protect features of packaging, such as the opening mechanism or even the packaging itself, if it unique and new to the market. The robust protection provided by patents comes at a cost and there are requirements which the invention must fulfil to be registered.

Can you patent a container?

You can patent an item that performs a function. A design: You can patent the look, form, and structure of a functional item. A few things you could patent include designs for jewelry, clothing, furniture, a beverage container, even a computer icon.

Do you have to be a democracy to join the EU?

Membership requires that candidate country has achieved stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights, respect for and protection of minorities, the existence of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.

Is the European Commission Implementing a unitary patent?

The European Commission is active in the implementation of a patent package. When it comes into operation, it will establish a European patent with unitary effect (the ‘unitary patent’) and a new patent court.

What does enhanced cooperation mean for the EU?

Enhanced cooperation allows for a minimum of nine member states (which amounts to almost one-third at the moment) to co-operate within the structures of the EU without all member states. This allows them to move at different speeds, and towards different goals, than those outside the enhanced cooperation area.

What was the Convention on the grant of European patents?

The Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973, as revised on 17 December 1991 and on 29 November 2000 (hereinafter ‘EPC’), established the European Patent Organisation and entrusted it with the task of granting European patents. This task is carried out by the European Patent Office (hereinafter ‘EPO’).

When did the enhanced cooperation measures come into force?

The enhanced cooperation measures entered into force in January 2013, and will apply to a participating member states from the date when the related Agreement on a Unified Patent Court enters into force for the state.