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What is splenic epidermoid cyst?

What is splenic epidermoid cyst?

An epidermoid splenic cyst is an unencapsulated, usually circumscribed cystic mass located in the spleen. Due to the size of the cyst and its location in splenic parenchyma, splenomegaly is commonly seen on US and CT studies. Grossly, epidermoid splenic cysts are greyish white in appearance.

What is a complex cyst on spleen?

Splenic epithelial cysts, also known as splenic epidermoid cysts or primary splenic cysts, are unilocular fluid lesions with thin and smooth walls and no enhancement. They represent ~20% of cysts found in the spleen, and are usually an innocuous incidental imaging finding.

How serious is a cyst on the spleen?

Although a significant percentage of splenic cysts are asymptomatic, larger cysts may cause vague upper abdominal pain as a result of capsular distention or pressure on adjacent organs. Major complications like hemorrhage into the cyst or peritonitis secondary to cyst rupture are rare.

Is it common to have a cyst on your spleen?

Cysts and tumors of the spleen are rare and are often discovered fortuitously. They are most often asymptomatic but may present with abdominal pain in the left upper quadrant.

How do you treat a cyst on your spleen?

Superficially located cysts should be treated by laparoscopic marsupialization or fenestration. Cysts located deep in the poles of the spleen should be managed by partial splenectomy, which is the treatment of choice. Laparoscopic partial splenectomy should be performed by experienced surgeons.

How do you treat a splenic cyst?

Are splenic cysts common?

Nowadays, splenic cysts are known as rare clinical condition with 0.07% incidence in general population. According to the presence or absence of cellular epithelial lining, these cysts are classified into primary (true) and secondary (false) cysts.

What causes a splenic cyst?

The most common cause of a splenic cyst is trauma, followed by hydatid disease (Fig. 5-22). Other cystic lesions, such as lymphangiomas and hamartomas, are rare. CT and US can both identify the cysts as anechoic lesions; if there is flow on Doppler US, “flow” lesions may be considered.

What kind of cysts are found in the spleen?

Dr Ammar Haouimi and A.Prof Frank Gaillard ◉ ◈ et al. Splenic epithelial cysts, also referred as splenic epidermoid cysts or primary splenic cysts, are unilocular fluid lesions with thin and smooth walls and no enhancement. They represent ~20% of cysts found in the spleen, and are usually an innocuous incidental imaging finding.

How are symptomatic splenic cysts treated in radiology?

Symptomatic cysts are managed surgically. Complications are rare and include hemorrhage, rupture and infection 6,7. A number of splenic lesions may appear cystic, depending on the modality: 1. Dachman AH, Ros PR, Murari PJ et-al. Nonparasitic splenic cysts: a report of 52 cases with radiologic-pathologic correlation.

How big is the average splenic cyst in a person?

A genetic defect of mesothelial migration is considered the cause. While most are sporadic, rarely there is a familial occurrence. They typically grow slowly and are usually large (around 10 cm) at the time of discovery. They are solitary in 80%.

How to tell if you have a splenomegaly cyst?

There may be an increased female predilection. The clinical presentation can vary ranging from being incidentally discovered on routine imaging to having nausea, vomiting, vague abdominal pain or rarely painful splenomegaly, particularly when the cysts are large. They are congenital in origin.