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What is superficial antral gastritis?

What is superficial antral gastritis?

Antral gastritis is an inflammation of the antral portion of the stomach of unknown etiology, which probably begins in the mucosa, usually involves the submucosa, and may even extend to the serosa.

Can superficial gastritis be cured?

A: Chronic gastritis caused by H. pylori bacteria or by use of NSAIDs or alcohol can be cured by either eliminating the bacteria or discontinuing use of the substance. However, if a person has had chronic gastritis for a long time, some of the damage to the inner stomach lining may be permanent.

Is antral gastritis a cancer?

Antral gastritis represents a lower cancer risk than corpus gastritis, which affects the body and proximal portions of the stomach. Therefore, the outcomes of infection with H.

What is the treatment for antral gastritis?

Treatment for gastritis usually involves: Taking antacids and other drugs (such as proton pump inhibitors or H-2 blockers) to reduce stomach acid. Avoiding hot and spicy foods.

What is the best medicine for antral gastritis?

Acid blockers — also called histamine (H-2) blockers — reduce the amount of acid released into your digestive tract, which relieves gastritis pain and encourages healing. Available by prescription or over-the-counter, acid blockers include famotidine (Pepcid), cimetidine (Tagamet HB) and nizatidine (Axid AR).

How long does antral gastritis last?

How long does gastritis last? Acute gastritis lasts for about 2-10 days. If chronic gastritis is not treated, it may last from weeks to years.

Does antral gastritis cause weight loss?

When symptoms do occur, signs and symptoms associated with gastritis include stomach pain and burning, nausea, and vomiting. Other possible symptoms include loss of appetite, indigestion, weight loss, belching, and abdominal bloating.

How do you treat antral gastritis naturally?

Eight best home remedies for gastritis

  1. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet.
  2. Take a garlic extract supplement.
  3. Try probiotics.
  4. Drink green tea with manuka honey.
  5. Use essential oils.
  6. Eat lighter meals.
  7. Avoid smoking and overuse of painkillers.
  8. Reduce stress.

Can a duodenal ulcer cause chronic antral gastritis?

1•. Chronic antral gastritis appears to be common in duodenal ulcer and has been reported to occur in. 41 % of a surgical series 36 patients with duodenal ulcer (1). The natural history of chronic antral gastritis in relation to duodenal ulcer healing, and whether the gastritis is amenable to treatment, is unknown.

What are the signs and symptoms of antral gastritis?

Antral gastritis symptoms. The following symptoms may be experienced: Indigestion. Considered one of the most common symptoms of antral gastritis, as it affects the process of digestion as well as emptying food into the intestines. One may also feel a burning sensation in the upper abdomen.

How to treat acute and chronic gastric ulcers?

Acute and chronic gastric ulcer gastritis: treatment with drugs and alternative means 1 First signs. The initial stage of the disease manifests itself in the form… 2 Acute gastric ulcer. An acute form of gastritis is not common… 3 Chronic ulcerative gastritis. The chronic form has its own characteristics.

What are the symptoms of superficial gastritis B?

The so-called gastritis B, in which there is a superficial lesion of the mucosa in the antrum, the last point of food passage through the stomach. Symptoms Unpleasant sensations inside the stomach: heaviness, discomfort, rumbling, raspiranie.