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What is the 16-hour rule for dot?

What is the 16-hour rule for dot?

The 16-hour rule is a special exemption that allows certain drivers to remain on-duty for 16 hours instead of 14, but without extending the allowed 11 hours per day of driving. This exemption applies to drivers that have started and stopped their workdays at the same location for the previous five work days.

What are the hours of service limits?

What Are the Hours-of-Service Limits? before you are no longer permitted to drive a commercial motor vehicle. You must follow three maximum duty limits at all times. They are the 14-hour “driving window” limit, 11-hour driving limit, and 60-hour/7-day and 70-hour/8-day duty limits.

When can I use the 16 hour exception?

Drivers can use the 16-hour exception if all of the following occur:

  • The driver returns to their work reporting location for that day as well as their last 5 workdays.
  • The driver is released from work after coming On Duty within 16 hours.

Can you log off duty while loading?

In your case, the company you drive for has made it their policy and that’s how they want it logged. Now, technically, if you’re at the dock and you aren’t counting the load, assisting, etc, you can be off duty.

What are the most common hours of service violations?

Here are the most common HOS driver violations from roadside inspections, and how to fix them:

  1. Stopping Form & Manner Violations.
  2. Stopping Not Current Violations.
  3. Stopping Driving Beyond Time Violations.
  4. False Records Violations.
  5. No Record of Duty Status and Failing to Retain Previous 7 Days’ Logs.

Do local drivers need eld?

If a driver maintains Record of Duty Status (RODS) for less than 8 days in a 30-day rolling period, he or she doesn’t need an electronic logging device. If however the driver breaks this exception more than 8 times in a 30-day period, the driver will need an ELD for the remainder of that 30-day cycle.

Can you be off duty at Shipper?

And technically you cant go off duty while at a shipper or receiver unless they give you permission to leave their premises. You can go into the sleeper though.

Does going off duty stop your 70 hour clock?

Your 70 only counts lines 3 and 4, so off-duty doesn’t “save” some time of your 70, it simply doesn’t count for it. And yes, by your example you still need to stop at 2100 and take a 10 hour break.