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What is the difference between cartilage and connective tissue?

What is the difference between cartilage and connective tissue?

Cartilage and Bone are specialised forms of connective tissue. They are both made up of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix. Cartilage is thin, avascular, flexible and resistant to compressive forces. Bone is highly vascularised, and its calcified matrix makes it very strong.

What type of cartilage is fibrocartilage?

Fibrocartilage consists of a mixture of white fibrous tissue and cartilaginous tissue in various proportions. It owes its inflexibility and toughness to the former of these constituents, and its elasticity to the latter. It is the only type of cartilage that contains type I collagen in addition to the normal type II.

What is the difference between the 3 types of cartilage?

Cartilage is classified in three types, elastic cartilage, hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage, which differ in relative amounts of collagen and proteoglycan. Cartilage does not contain blood vessels (it is avascular) or nerves (it is aneural).

What are the three main types of cartilage?

There are three types of cartilage: hyaline, fibrous, and elastic cartilage. Hyaline cartilage is the most widespread type and resembles glass. In the embryo, bone begins as hyaline cartilage and later ossifies.

Is cartilage a loose connective tissue?

Loose connective tissue proper includes adipose tissue, areolar tissue, and reticular tissue. Cartilage and bone are supportive tissue. Cartilage contains chondrocytes and is somewhat flexible. Hyaline cartilage is smooth and clear, covers joints, and is found in the growing portion of bones.

Where do humans have cartilage?

Cartilage is the main type of connective tissue seen throughout the body. It serves a variety of structural and functional purposes and exists in different types throughout our joints, bones, spine, lungs, ears and nose.

What body part heals the quickest?

The cornea is the only part of a human body that has no blood supply; it gets oxygen directly through the air. The cornea is the fastest healing tissue in the human body, thus, most corneal abrasions will heal within 24-36 hours.