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What is the difference between upper and lower CASE tools?

What is the difference between upper and lower CASE tools?

Generally, Upper CASE is a tool for high level view of software development whereas lower CASE is mostly being used as a tool at the programming and testing phase.

What are examples of CASE tools?

Types of CASE Tools:

  • Diagramming Tools: It helps in diagrammatic and graphical representations of the data and system processes.
  • Computer Display and Report Generators:
  • Analysis Tools:
  • Central Repository:
  • Documentation Generators:
  • Code Generators:

What are CASE tools?

Publisher Summary. A computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tool is a software package that provides support for the design and implementation of information systems. It can document a database design and provide invaluable help in maintaining the consistency of a design.

What are the two widely used lower CASE tools?

Lower CASE tools are designed for the back-end of the SDLC and are used for detailed systems design, system implementation and system support. The most common Lower CASE tools are the code generators, but others include compilers and test support tools.

Which one is not a CASE tool?

Which of the following is not a type of CASE tool? Explanation: Lower and Upper CASE tools support analysis and design.

What makes CASE tools successful?

Strong Integration: The CASE tools should be integrated to support all the stages. This implies that if a change is made at any stage, for example, in the model, it should get reflected in the code documentation and all related design and other documents, thus providing a cohesive environment for software development.

What are reasons for using CASE tools?

The two most important reasons given for implementing CASE tools were to improve systems development productivity and system quality. In the evaluations provided, the analysis and design phases gained the most positive impact from using CASE tools, followed by the maintenance phase and implementa tion phase.

What are the upper and lower case numbers?

Upper case numbers are all the same height and sit on the baseline, while lower case numbers have ascenders and descenders. Some fonts support both, as in this example: Switching between number case works differently in different programs.

What is upper case letter and lower case letter?

Upper case letters mean capital letters, sometimes called majuscules. Upper case letters all have the same height. Lower case letters mean small letters, sometimes called minuscules (from which comes the word “minus”). The height of lower case letters varies.

Why are letters called upper case and lower case?

The larger letters, the capitals, were stored in an upper case, and the smaller letters (along with the type for punctuation and spaces) were stored in a lower case, and that is why they are called uppercase and lowercase letters. Their names are based on the relative positions of the two boxes, or cases, that are used to store the letters.

What does upper case mean?

upper case. n. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the top half of a compositor’s type case in which capital letters, reference marks, and accents are kept. adj (upper-case when prenominal) (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) of or relating to capital letters kept in this case and used in the setting or production of printed or typed matter.