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What is the main conflict in the Hobbit?

What is the main conflict in the Hobbit?

In The Hobbit, the primary external conflict is the quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain (while many minor external conflicts include Gollum, the orcs, and the spiders), and the primary internal conflict is Bilbo adventurous spirit (his ‘Took’ side) and his desire to be home and comfortable (his ‘Baggins’ side).

Is Saruman bad?

Though not truly faithful to his master, Saruman unintentionally fell deeper under Sauron’s sway by delving into Ring-lore and betraying the Valar. He is one of the few characters in Middle-earth who is morally “grey” – being neither a genuine servant of evil nor an agent of good.

What killed Gandalf the GREY?

Gandalf and the Balrog fell for a long time, and Gandalf was burned by the Balrog’s fire…Then darkness took Gandalf, and he passed away. His body lay on the peak. The entire battle, from the confrontation on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm to the mutual demise of the Balrog and Gandalf, had taken eight days…

Why did Saruman not kill Gandalf?

Saruman did not want the Valar to know that he had betrayed his original purpose for coming to Middle-Earth therefore if he killed Gandalf then Gandalf’s immortal spirit would know and be free to tell the Valar. Ergo Saruman needed to keep Gandalf where Saruman could keep a close eye on him. It would be wise, Gandalf.

Why did Gandalf choose Bilbo?

Gandalf picks Bilbo because he thinks that going on an adventure will release the Took side of Bilbo and be good for him in the end. You bring up a good point about the nature of Hobbits. Gandalf, from his experience, saw that hobbits lacked the greed of Dwarves and Men and the arrogance of Elves.

Are Gandalf and Saruman related?

Gandalf and Saruman are Maiar spirits, in the bodies of old men and at a stage of limited power. Let’s start simple. Gandalf and Saruman are Maiar spirits, in the bodies of old men and at a stage of limited power.

Why is The Hobbit important?

“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” So began the legendarium that dominated a genre, changed Western literature and the field of linguistics, created a tapestry of characters and mythology that endured four generations, built an anti-war ethos that endured a World War and a Cold War, and spawned a …

How did Bilbo change as a result of his journey?

By the story’s end, Bilbo is a changed man. Not only has he been heroic, but he has fallen in love with travel and adventure. As the story progresses, he remains a brave warrior, but Tolkien uses his tendency toward greed and his temptation to keep the treasure to reveal his weaknesses as a leader and a man.

Why is Gandalf so weak?

Gandalf seems weak because the vast majority of his power is restrained by the gods. Sticking to his oaths, he abides by what the Gods commanded of him, unlike Saruman and the other wizards. Just like to point out that only the five wizards were Istari, Maiar restricted in mortal form.

What is the main theme of the Hobbit?

The Hobbit’s main theme is Bilbo’s development into a hero, which more broadly represents the development of a common person into a hero. At the beginning of the story, Bilbo is timid, comfortable, and complacent in his secure little hole at Bag End.

Why Bilbo Baggins is a hero?

Bilbo uses his wits and bravery to survive the different creatures he meets. Bilbo is a hero in that, even though he may not have what is usually characteristic for a hero, he tries his best and many times acts first and thinks later to save his friends.

Can smaug see Bilbo?

In the movie a parallel is drawn between the eye of Sauron and the eye of Smaug, the two images being juxtaposed. In fact, it is the gaze of Smaug’s eye that pressures Bilbo and leads him to take off the ring, with the result that Smaug can see him.

Why did Gandalf fake Saruman?

Thus, when he accumulated power for himself and attempted to dominate the peoples of Middle-Earth, he was in direct opposition to his orders. Therefore, Gandalf, when he was ‘promoted’ after his resurrection, cast Saruman from the order.

Is Sauron more powerful than Gandalf?

‘ to contest the power of Sauron, if he should arise again, and to move Elves and Men and all living things of good will to valiant deeds. In summary, then, Sauron was portrayed as stronger than Gandalf because he, like some other beings, apparently was indeed stronger, and Gandalf seems to have recognized that fact.

Why did Bilbo never marry?

The most likely reason is that Tolkien did not want to complicate the adventure for his sons, who were the first audience of The Hobbit. They were not interested in hearing about married men going off and having adventures — they wanted “boy tales”.

How is Bilbo Baggins a dynamic character?

Bilbo Baggins was key character in “The Hobbit” and changed much throughout the book. This event made Bilbo more confident in himself. Bilbo realized that he accomplish a tough task when he beat Gollum. This event also made Bilbo more confident in his skills of being stealth when he had his ring on.

Can smaug destroy the One Ring?

No, he can’t. While some dragons had breath hot enough to melt the lesser rings of power, Gandalf says: […], nor was there ever any dragon, not even Ancalagon the Black, who could have harmed the One Ring, the Ruling Ring, for that was made by Sauron himself. (Several of the Seven were destroyed by dragons.)

Why was Saruman so weak?

TLDR: Saruman lost his powers because Gandalf removed them with the authority granted by Eru. Gandalf received his power to break Saruman’s staff from the same authority that brought him back from the dead, and turned him from Grey to White.

Is smaug a girl?

Tolkien’s illustration “Conversation with Smaug”
In-universe information
Race Dragon
Gender Male

Is the Balrog stronger than Sauron?

Balrogs are not actually that powerful. In the Morgoth’s Ring “Orcs” essay Balrogs are explicitly stated to be less powerful than Sauron. This is borne out by the fact that heroes of the First Age could defeat Balrogs (admittedly dying themselves in the attempt), but Felagund could not overcome Sauron.

Why did Gandalf forget his name?

Gandalf wasn’t his real name, just a name that the Men of the North (and Hobbits) called him. He had died and his spirit went somewhere, probably to Valinor where it came from. He clearly underwent some powerful transformation there, which left him disoriented.

Why is Galadriel so powerful?

Galadriel was always meant to have a very otherworldly quality. She’s among the most powerful elves in the entire realm of Middle Earth, and her power is enhanced by her beauty and her ethereal nature. To heighten this, Galadriel got an extensive amount of special lighting to make her look especially otherworldly.

Why is Sauron evil?

Sauron is considered evil because he served Morgoth (Melkor) he then went to Numenor and did a great deal of evil and trickery upon the men living there, corrupting them and lying to them all in the pursuit of his own means of power.

What being is Gandalf?

As one of the Maiar he is an immortal spirit, but being in a physical body on Middle-earth, he can be killed in battle, as he is by the Balrog from Moria. He is sent back to Middle-earth to complete his mission, now as Gandalf the White and leader of the Istari….

Weapon Glamdring Narya Wizard staff

Was Smaug the strongest dragon?

10 Smaug is Not The Strongest Dragon Undeniably, Smaug is the Greatest Dragon left in Middle Earth during the Third Age. Yet he is not the strongest to have existed previously. When faced with defeat, Morgoth unleashed his last and greatest weapon in the form of winged fire drakes, led by Ancalagon.

Why is Gandalf so powerful?

Gandalf possesed Power of the mind and ability to influence people and great wisdom. Gandalf is the wisest of the Maiar. He was known as Olórin, who sometimes dwelt in the gardens of Irmo and was the pupil of Nienna, who taught him wisdom and pity, and of Manwë and Varda.