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What is the meaning for myalgia?

What is the meaning for myalgia?

Myalgia: Pain in the muscles or within muscle ’tissue.

What is arthralgia and myalgia?

Arthralgia is joint pain. Myalgia is muscle pain. Both can be a possible side effect of some chemotherapies, some hormonal therapy agents, growth factors, or a very high white blood cell count. Chemotherapy related pain commonly occurs within two to three days of treatment and resolves within four to seven days.

What myalgia feels like?

Muscle pain is the main symptom of myalgia. The pain feels like a pulled muscle and it can hurt with both rest and movement. Muscles can also be tender and swollen.

What causes myalgia?

Causes of Myalgia Myalgia can typically be localized to one area of the body, or groups of muscles. The most common causes of muscle pain are stress, overuse, injuries, and tension. Muscle pain – specifically systemic muscle pain – can be caused by an illness, infection, or a side effect of certain medications.

What is neuralgia medical term?

Neuralgia is characterized by short, recurring pain in a part of the body or along a specific nerve. The sensation may feel like burning, stabbing or an electric shock. The condition is caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system, beyond the brain or spine, and so is also known as peripheral neuralgia.

What does the medical term meta mean?

meta- 1. In medicine and biology, a prefix denoting the concept of after, subsequent to, behind, or hindmost.

What is the treatment for myalgia?

Treating Myalgia Muscle pain from overuse or injury can be reduced by resting the body and taking over-the-counter pain relievers or NSAIDs. Rotating between ice and heat within the 24-72 hours can reduce pain and inflammation and be soothing to the muscles, releasing any tensions or knots.

Can neuralgia be cured?

There is no cure for neuralgia, but treatment can help improve your symptoms. Some types of neuralgia improve over time. More research is being done to develop better treatments for neuralgia.

Which is the correct definition of the term myalgia?

Myalgia Definition. Myalgia is not a medical disorder or disease but more of a symptom of an existing underlying condition. Myalgia is known as a muscle ache or muscle pain.

What kind of muscle pain does myalgia cause?

Myalgia describes muscle aches and pain, which can involve ligaments, tendons and fascia, the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones and organs. Injuries, trauma, overuse, tension, certain drugs and illnesses can all bring about myalgia. Diagnosis requires careful clinical evaluations of muscle cramps and joint pain.

What are the symptoms of myositis and myalgia?

Myalgia leads to a significantly reduced quality of life. Other muscular symptoms that are present along with myalgia often provide the clue towards a diagnosis and include weakness, cramps and myotonia as well as the type of pain. In addition, extramuscular symptoms like an erythema in dermatomyositis can lead to the correct diagnosis.

How is a physical exam used to diagnose myalgia?

Physical examination evaluates the area of pain, muscle tone, strength, stiffness, and observation of gait (manner of walking) and posture. Blood tests might show changes consistent with muscle damage, inflammation, or some underlying conditions.