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What is the meaning of owing allegiance?

What is the meaning of owing allegiance?

to have an obligation to be loyal to someone or something, or a duty to obey them. Catholic churches owe their allegiance to the Pope. Synonyms and related words.

What is the synonym of allegiance?

Some common synonyms of allegiance are devotion, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, and piety.

What does allegiance mean?

Allegiance is loyalty or faithfulness, especially to a person or cause. Allegiance usually refers to a loyalty that is considered extremely important, such as to a country or leader. The adjective form of allegiance is allegiant.

What is the synonym of unpaid?

unsettled, outstanding, unresolved, unattended to, due, overdue, owing, owed, receivable, to be paid, payable, undischarged, in arrears, in the red. North American delinquent, past due. paid, settled. 2’unpaid charity work’ voluntary, volunteer, honorary, unrewarded, unremunerative, unsalaried, gratuitous, free.

Who do we owe our allegiance to?

James Bryce Quotes. Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity.

What is unpaid work called?

Unpaid work, also known as ‘community payback’, is one of the 13 requirements available to add to community orders and suspended sentence orders in England and Wales. The main purpose of unpaid work is to provide punishment and reparation – with service users working on projects that benefit the community.

What is an example of allegiance in a sentence?

1. FBI demands its employees absolute allegiance to this bureau. 2. She proudly recited the Oath of Allegiance.

What I owe to my country?

Absolutely I owe my country. I owe it to my country to obey and abide by the laws written to protect me and my fellow citizens. I owe it to my country to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help me God.

Which is the best synonym for owe allegiance?

Synonyms for owe allegiance. swing. be a member. be a member of. be allied to. be associated with.

Where does the word allegiance come from in English?

al·le·giance. (ə-lē′jəns) n. 1. Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause. See Synonyms at fidelity. 2. The obligations of a vassal to a lord. [Middle English alligeaunce, alteration of ligeaunce, from Old French ligeance, from lige, liege; see liege .]

Is the word allegiance a synonym for loyalty?

The words loyalty and allegiance are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, loyalty implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray. When can piety be used instead of allegiance?

Which is the best definition of the word Allegiant?

1. Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause. See Synonyms at fidelity. 2. The obligations of a vassal to a lord. [Middle English alligeaunce, alteration of ligeaunce, from Old French ligeance, from lige, liege; see liege .]