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What is the message of Planet of the Apes 1968?

What is the message of Planet of the Apes 1968?

This also means that Planet of the Apes takes its messages—about the hubris of man and the way that societies use both science and religion as means to prop up inequality—seriously, but doesn’t forget that it’s forwarding this message through a fairly outrageous premise.

What happened to humans in Planet of the Apes 1968?

It seems the humans have invaded crops cultivated by the advanced but rural apes. Gorilla soldiers with modern firearms and horses soon kill many of the humans, with pockets captured for subsequent experimentation by the chimpanzees.

What is the climax of Planet of the Apes 1968?

The big climactic ending in the book follows Ulysse escaping back to Earth with Nova and his son smuggled aboard a spaceship. They land at Paris’ Orly airport, seeing the Eiffel Tower in the distance. But after disembarking they’re met by—you guessed it—a gorilla.

What does the ending of Planet of the Apes 1968 mean?

At the end of the movie, George Taylor (Heston) finds out that he’s been on planet Earth the entire movie. He comes across a major telltale sign that he is, in fact, on his own planet when he sees the Statue of Liberty in shambles, indicating that Earth has somehow gone into an apocalyptic dive.

Is Planet of the Apes a classic?

Planet of the Apes is a 1968 American science fiction film directed by Franklin J. Schaffner and loosely based on the 1963 French novel La Planète des Singes by Pierre Boulle….Planet of the Apes (1968 film)

Planet of the Apes
Music by Jerry Goldsmith
Production company APJAC Productions
Distributed by 20th Century Fox

What happens after Planet of the Apes 1968?

The original film series had four sequels: Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)

Why can’t the humans talk in Planet of the Apes?

In the end, the true reason for humans losing their voices comes down to three factors: mutation, subjugation, and demoralization. As revealed in the finale of the original Planet of the Apes, humanity’s end came at their own hands via atomic war. With each new generation, fewer and fewer humans could speak.

Is Planet of the Apes allegorical?

“Planet of the Apes” emerged as a troubling movie for a troubling time. Most obvi- ously, the movie presented a chilling allegory on the subject of racial conflict, highlighting the injustices of America’s slave past, while also speaking to the struggle for Civil Rights in the contemporary period.

What did Taylor write in the dirt in Planet of the Apes?

Frustrated, he reached through the bars of his cage, grabbing Zira while taking her notebook and pencil. Julius repelled him with his truncheon, but when Zira recovered the notepad, she found the words “My name is Taylor” written across it.