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What is time scaling factor in Abaqus?

What is time scaling factor in Abaqus?

According to abaqus help, time scaling factor is acceptable for explicit analysis if kinetic energy is one-tenth(0.1) of total energy in job results table. So if you use time scaling in an impact analysis, basically you increase the mass of the structure, which will change the dynamic behavior of the problem.

What is time scaling factor?

Time Scale Factor sets the value by which to scale the bandwidth and time lengths of the measured signal. This setting can be used to compensate for mis-tuned crystals or to allow demodulation of signals at a lower rate such as half rate or 1/10 rate, or for a very high bandwidth signal.

When to use mass scaling in Abaqus?

Mass scaling is often used in Abaqus/Explicit for computational efficiency in quasi-static analyses and in some dynamic analyses that contain a few very small elements that control the stable time increment.

How do you speed up Abaqus analysis?

7 tips to help Abaqus run faster

  1. Don’t use more elements than necessary.
  2. Ensure the scratch data fits in your system’s RAM.
  3. Don’t allow a single element to ruin your simulation speed in Abaqus/Explicit.
  4. Use scaling for quasi-static analyses in Abaqus/Explicit.
  5. Use parallelization.
  6. Pay attention to constraints.

What is time scaling in signals and systems?

Time scaling compresses or dilates a signal by multiplying the time variable by some quantity. If that quantity is greater than one, the signal becomes narrower and the operation is called compression, while if the quantity is less than one, the signal becomes wider and is called dilation.

Which of the following is an example of time scaling?

Explanation: Time scaling is an example for operations performed on independent variable time. It is given by y (t) = x (at). Explanation: By comparing the given equation with y (t) = x (at) we get a=2. If a>1 then it is compressed version of x (t).

What is mass scaling in FEA?

Mass-scaling refers to a technique whereby nonphysical mass is added to a structure in order to achieve a larger explicit timestep. You may have to reduce or eliminate mass scaling in a second run to gage the sensitivity of the results to the amount of mass added.

What is quasi static analysis?

The quasi-static analysis considers the change of boundary conditions in terms of time, and can obtain the system or structure response under different external conditions. It is worth noting that quasi-static analysis ignores the effects of inertia, damping, and frequency.

How much RAM do I need for Abaqus?

Abaqus uses up to 2 gigabytes of memory on a machine with 8 gigabytes physical memory. The memory setting value must be surrounded by quotes. The values specified for memory must be reasonable for the machine being used.

How many cores does Abaqus use?

Abaqus/Standard will use four processors on each host through thread-based parallelization.

What are the types of signal scaling?

Let us look into these types in details.

  • Amplitude Scaling of Signals. Amplitude scaling is a very basic operation performed on signals to vary its strength.
  • Addition of Signals.
  • Integration of Signals.
  • Time Scaling of Signals.
  • Reflection of Signals.
  • Time Shifting of Signals.

When to increase time scaling factor in Abaqus?

According to abaqus help, time scaling factor is acceptable for explicit analysis if kinetic energy is one-tenth(0.1) of total energy in job results table. thus you have to increase the time scaling factor until error in job.

How to calculate time scaling factor in dynamic?

First, you must choose a value for your time step period, and then a value of mass scaling factor. If you choose a time period of 1 second, applying a time scaling of 1.10^-5 is a good start.

How to scale a deformation in Abaqus / CAE?

For small-deformation analyses—for example, a perturbation analysis— Abaqus/CAE scales the deformation such that the maximum deformation is 10% of the largest model dimension. From the main menu bar, select OptionsCommon. Click the Basic tab in the dialog box that appears.

What should mass scaling factor be for quasi static analysis?

Assume that for a quasi-static analysis a mass scaling factor of 50 is applied to all the elements in the model. Furthermore, assume that even after being scaled by a factor of 50, a few extremely small or poorly shaped elements are causing the stable time increment to be less than a desired minimum.