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What kind of car is jazz in the Transformer movie?

What kind of car is jazz in the Transformer movie?

Martini Porsche 935 turbo racing
Jazz (Tigre in Italy) is the “very cool, very stylish, very competent” member of the Autobots in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Takara and Hasbro. His original vehicle mode is a Martini Porsche 935 turbo racing car.

What was jazz in the first Transformers movie?

Movie Material First Lieutenant Jazz was a happy-go-lucky Autobot. Good-natured and always able to take things in stride, he provided a decent contrast to the more serious demeanor of Ironhide or Optimus Prime himself. He was also always a talker, something Ironhide and Prime liked to tease him about.

What happened to Jazz’s body in Transformers?

Valiantly, Jazz fought on, asking Megatron if he wanted a “piece” of him. Mocking Jazz, Megatron impaled the Autobot on the jagged edge of his knee and then viciously tore him in half. When Optimus arrived, Megatron tossed Jazz’s severed body away before battling his archenemy. “His name was Jazz, Prime.”

Is Megatron a cannibal?

Megatron’s done many bad things over the years—including conquering other planets—but in Beast Machines, the would-be despot’s end goal is to gather as many sparks as possible so that he can eat them. Essentially, that makes Megatron a cannibal, who has no problem eating his own people if it makes him more powerful.

Did Megatron eat Jazz?

This is also told in detail in Foster’s novelization, but again, the movie itself doesn’t make this clear—there, Megatron simply rips Jazz in two (whereas at the end of this issue, Jazz is dead, but still in one piece). Also, Optimus Prime is present when Megatron kills Jazz.

Who is the strangest transformer?

10 Weird Transformers You’ll Never See In The Cartoons Or Movies

  • 8 Headcannon: A Toy Design Licensed By Hasbro But Never Produced, Appears In Comics.
  • 9 Longrack: Appeared In Japan-Only Media Until 2006 Beast Wars Comic.
  • 10 Beast Wars Injector: A Toy That Didn’t Make The Small Cast Of The Show.

What does jazz mean in the Transformers movie?

For a list of other meanings, see Jazz (disambiguation). Jazz is an Autobot from the Transformers portion of the live-action film series continuity family. “Slide with me.

What kind of car is jazz in Cyber Slammers?

Autobot Jazz (Cyber Slammers, 2007) Transformers Cyber Slammers Jazz is an amazingly cute Pontiac Solstice that transforms into an amazingly cute Autobot hipster. “Slam” his robot mode down into car mode and he rolls along, slowly transforming back up into robot mode.

How did jazz survive the Teletraan I movie?

Jazz likes “to keep his bodywork buff ” by externalizing his Spark Core forcefield – in the past, that led to him almost being killed when Bonecrusher almost tore out his unprotected Spark. He only survived thanks to fellow Autobot Clocker, who was killed covering his retreat. Transformers Comic issue 6 Platinum Collection Build Your Own Bundle.

How did jazz get to Earth in Optimus Prime?

Autobot campaign. Jazz arrived on Earth as part of Optimus Prime’s unit, summoned to Earth by Bumblebee. After taking on the form of a Pontiac Solstice, he met up with the other Autobots. His first mission was to distract Sector Seven and law enforcement units, which he did, buying his fellow Autobots time to escape.