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When and is used in sentence?

When and is used in sentence?

When deciding whether to use is or are, look at whether the noun is plural or singular. If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are. The cat is eating all of his food.

Were used in a sentence?

Were sentence example. “You were very greedy,” said the girl. I don’t know where they were planning to sit. There were sparks between them from the start.

Where do we use when in a sentence?

When sentence example

  • When she glanced at him, he was eyeing her, a wry smile twisting his lips.
  • He had climbed many a tree when he was a boy.
  • As always, he had been there when she needed him.
  • That served another purpose when the conversation turned to the possibility of another child.

Which is why grammar?

In which is why, which is a relative pronoun. That in that is why is usually the subject of a sentence or a clause that can stand alone: I want to be involved in town government, and that is why I’m running for mayor. My mother always gives me good advice, so that is why I need to ask her opinion.

Where do we use as?

We use as with a noun to refer to the role or purpose of a person or thing:

  • I worked as a waiter when I was a student.
  • The Daily Telegraph appointed Trevor Grove as its Sunday editor.
  • Internet shopping is seen as a cheaper alternative to shopping on the high street.
  • A sarong is essential holiday gear.

What is composition in simple words?

Composition is another word for writing — the act of writing or the piece of writing that results. It also refers to what something is made of. The word composition comes from the Latin componere, meaning “put together” and its meaning remains close to this.

What are conditionals in English grammar?

What are conditionals in English grammar? Sometimes we call them ‘if clauses’. They describe the result of something that might happen (in the present or future) or might have happened but didn’t (in the past) . They are made using different English verb tenses.

What’s the difference of on and in?

‘In’ implies a preposition, that represents a situation in which something is surrounded by something else. Conversely, ‘on’ is used in the situation when something is in physical contact with the surface of another object.