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Why did Germany colonize Togo?

Why did Germany colonize Togo?

The Germans intended to make Togoland a model colony. Because the region lacked mineral resources (its phosphate reserves were not then known), Germany concentrated on agricultural development. Valuable oil palms grew naturally near the coast. In 1946 the two Togolands became United Nations trust territories.

Why did Germany go to Africa?

In January 1941, Adolf Hitler established the Afrika Korps for the explicit purpose of helping his Italian Axis partner maintain territorial gains in North Africa. “[F]or strategic, political, and psychological reasons, Germany must assist Italy in Africa,” the Fuhrer declared.

How did Togo gain its independence?

In 1884, Germany declared a region including present-day Togo as a protectorate called Togoland. Togo gained its independence from France in 1960. In 1967, Gnassingbé Eyadéma led a successful military coup d’état after which he became president of an anti-communist, single-party state.

Which African country first got independence?


Was Togo a German colony?

Togoland was a German Empire protectorate in West Africa from 1884 to 1914, encompassing what is now the nation of Togo and most of what is now the Volta Region of Ghana, approximately 77,355 km2 (29,867 sq mi) in size.

How many African countries did Germany colonize?


What was a challenge to African independence?

One of the most pressing challenges African states faced at Independence was their lack of infrastructure. European imperialists prided themselves on bringing civilization and developing Africa, but they left their former colonies with little in the way of infrastructure.

How many Africans died from colonization?

John Gunther (Inside Africa (1953) estimates 5-8 million deaths. Adam Hochschild (Leopold’s Ghost mentioned above) estimates 10 million, or half the original population from 1885 to 1920.

Do any countries in Africa speak German?

Namibia is a multilingual country wherein German is recognised as a national language (a form of minority language).

Why did so many former colonies in Africa struggle with independence after decolonization?

Answer: Because the European nations were weak and did not want to lose their territories. Explanation: One of the facts that most favored Africa’s decolonization process was undoubtedly the Second World War that took place in Europe between 1939 and 1945.

Which African country gained independence last?

Until today, foreigners had ruled Namibia for more than a century. The area, a desert territory in southwestern Africa, was colonized first by Germany in 1884 and controlled by South Africa after 1915.

Did Germany ever colonize any country?

The German Colonial Empire encompassed parts of several African countries, including parts of present-day Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, New Guinea, and numerous other West Pacific / Micronesian islands.

Who found Togo?

The first Europeans to see Togo were João de Santarém and Pêro Escobar, the Portuguese explorers who sailed along its coast between 1471 and 1473. The Portuguese built forts in neighboring Ghana (at Elmina) and Benin (at Ouidah).

Why did Portugal want Africa?

Portuguese expansion into Africa began with the desire of King John I to gain access to the gold-producing areas of West Africa. The trans-Saharan trade routes between Songhay and the North African traders provided Europe with gold coins used to trade spices, silks and other luxuries from India.

Where did the struggles for independence in Africa turn violent and why?

The most violent independence struggles in Africa were in nations with large populations of white settlers, such as Kenya, Algeria, and Zimbabwe.

What is struggle for independence?

STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE, FOR SELF-RULE IS STRUGGLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, SECRETARY-GENERAL STATES. Ultimately, the struggle for independence, for self-rule — for the right of a people to be a master of its own destiny — is the struggle for human rights.

What are four reasons for Portugal’s decline as a world power?

Answer: The correct answer is : The four reasons are: Lack of population, lack of resources, lack of size and that was conquered by Spain in 1580.