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How do I create a monthly report in SQL?

How do I create a monthly report in SQL?

Customer Order Monthly Report Using Pivot In SQL Server

  1. Customer. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer]( [Customer_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Customer_Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
  2. Customer_Orders. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer_Orders]( [OrderID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Customer_ID] [int] NULL,

Where can I find month wise sales in SQL?

Calculate Monthly Sales Report in MySQL If you only want a total count of sales every month, then you can use COUNT function instead. mysql> select year(order_date),month(order_date),sum(sale) from sales WHERE condition group by year(order_date),month(order_date) order by year(order_date),month(order_date);

How do you calculate monthly revenue in SQL?

Here’s the SQL query to calculate monthly revenue for current month. You can use INTERVAL function to calculate revenue in MySQL, for current month. mysql> select month(order_date),sum(price*quantity) from products,orders where products. product_id=orders.

How do you write if else condition in SQL query?

Any T-SQL statement can be executed conditionally using IF… ELSE. If the condition evaluates to True, then T-SQL statements followed by IF condition in SQL server will be executed. If the condition evaluates to False, then T-SQL statements followed by ELSE keyword will be executed.

How do you find sales per month?

To calculate the average sales over your chosen period, you can simply find the total value of all sales orders in the chosen timeframe and divide by the intervals. For example, you can calculate average sales per month by taking the value of sales over a year and dividing by 12 (the number of months in the year).

How do you calculate sales in SQL?

SELECT department, SUM(sales) AS “Total sales” FROM order_details GROUP BY department; Because you have listed one column in your SQL SELECT statement that is not encapsulated in the SQL SUM function, you must use the SQL GROUP BY clause. The department field must, therefore, be listed in the SQL GROUP BY section.

How to create an annual 12 month summary report?

In the original crosstab query qryCountryMonthlySalesXTAB, each month column is shown in yyyy-mm format. That makes it difficult for a report (or subsequent query) to use as the date range changes. A better approach is to define each month as a number between 1 and 12, starting with the first month to display.

How to create a monthly summary crosstab query?

A better approach is to define each month as a number between 1 and 12, starting with the first month to display. This is defined in the ad hoc query qryCountryMonthlySalesDateXTAB.

Which is an example of a 12 month report?

Example of a 12-month Report for Any Date Range (sorry for the data from the 1990’s as that’s what was in the Microsoft table) The user can specify the starting month of the report and automatically show 12 months of data. The column titles show the year and month.

How to report monthly sales in Oracle SQL?

It then groups by those pure dates sums up the gross sales and counts the transactions. The result set will contain a row for every date on which there were any sales. Second, we can report gross monthly sales with a similar query. To do this we need a formula to convert any DATE expression to the date of the first day of the month.