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What boot fairs are open in Kent?

What boot fairs are open in Kent?

Car boot sales in kent

  • Farmboys Sunday – Southfleet. Held: Sunday. Seller time: 10:00.
  • Lympne – Hythe. Held: Saturday. Seller time: 12.30pm.
  • 4th Broadstairs Scout Group – Broadstairs. Held: Saturday. Seller time: 8am.
  • Addington Bootfair – West Malling. Held: Saturday.
  • Afternoon Boot Fair – Sellindge. Held: Saturday.

Are boot sales allowed?

There is no consensus among local authorities as to how car boot sales should be classified, but in some areas councils impose the normal conditions attached to market licences. Some will permit car boot sales only if the proceeds are going to charity as opposed to benefiting commercial enterprises.

Where is Elm Tree boot sale?

Elm Tree Boot Sale is located just outside Icklesham, on the A259; the road from Rye to Hastings. Boot Sales have been held here for many years, giving us a large amount of great items being sold every 2 weeks on a Sunday. Please see our opening times for more information.

What is a boot sale?

British. : a sale in which people gather to sell items that they bring to the sale in their cars.

What time does Hop Farm boot fair open?

Boot fairs take place either at The Hop Farm or at Badsell Road, we will update every week on location and time. Gates open at 9:30 onwards.

Is Tilmanstone boot fair on Sunday?

Tilmanstone Boot Fair 2021 will be held every Sunday and Bank Holiday, weather permitting.

Is polegate boot fair on tomorrow?

Mammoth Boot Fair 2021 | Every Sunday & Bank Holiday Monday May-October | Polegate, East Sussex. Mammoth Boot Fair runs every Sunday & Bank Holiday Monday from May to October from 6.00 am until early-afternoon on the A22 near Cophall round-a-bout in Polegate.

Are car boot sales a British thing?

Car boot sales or boot fairs are a form of market in which private individuals come together to sell household and garden goods. They are popular in the United Kingdom, where they are often referred to simply as ‘car boots’. The term “car boot sale” refers to the selling of items from a car’s boot.

Where is the best car boot in the UK?

Here are nine of the best car boot sales you have to check out.

  • Edinburgh Car Boot Sale, Edinburgh.
  • Polmadie Car Boot Sale, Glasgow.
  • Vintage Home Show, Manchester.
  • York Auction Car Boot Sale, York.
  • Lymington Car Boot Sale, Hampshire.
  • Battersea Car Boot Sale, London.
  • High Street Car Boot Sale, Swansea.

Where can I find a car boot in Kent?

Here are the results for your search for Kent outdoor or indoor car boot sales. Please browse the list below or use the Quick Search box to search again and you can use the filter box to help refine your search. Alternatively, you may return to our main Find A Car Boot page by clicking here.

Where can I find list of car boot sales?

Kent Live has compiled a list of these car boot sales from, where they are and when they are open. Before you head out or start planning, make sure to contact the organisers listed to check the boot sale is going ahead, as factors like bad weather can easily cancel planned events.

When did Greenfield car boot sales start in Kent?

Established in 1982 the Greenfield family have many years’ experience in providing the best possible environment for both sellers and of course the important buying customers who together make the whole day successful. On site Toilets and Refreshments as well as a Bouncy Castle for the Children.

When do car boot sales start in Canterbury?

Dates: 25th April, 9th May, 23rd May, 31st May (BH Monday), 6th June, 20th June, 4th July, 18th July, 1st August, 15th August, 29th August, 12th September, 26th September, 10th October Weather permitting. Sellers: Rent is £10 per bay (only cash is accepted) and is collected during the morning by a Canterbury City Council officer.