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What is reverse discrimination AP Gov?

What is reverse discrimination AP Gov?

reverse discrimination. the charge that an affirmative action program discriminates against those who do not have minority status. separate-but-equal doctrine.

Why is affirmative action Important AP?

Affirmative action programs seek to aid minorities, women, others that suffer from discrimination the opportunities for employment or other services. This was put in place because of the discrimination that leeched into employment, higher education 🤓, and even housing 🏘.

What is Title IX AP?

Higher Education Act of 1972 (Title IX) Commonly known just as Title IX, this law prohibits gender discrimination in educational activities at any institution receiving federal funds. Most commonly known for its effect on athletics, but it prohibits all types of gender discrimination in education.

What is the Hyde Amendment AP Gov?

Hyde Amendment Codification Act – Prohibits the expenditure for any abortion of funds authorized or appropriated by federal law or funds in any trust fund to which funds are authorized or appropriated by federal law . Prohibits the use of federal funds for any health benefits coverage that includes abortion.

What is strict scrutiny AP Gov?

strict scrutiny. a Supreme Court test to see if a law denies equal protection because it does not serve a compelling state interest and is not narrowly tailored to achieve that goal.

What is a buffer zone AP Gov?

Buffer Zone. 15 feet around entrance to an abortion clinic within which demonstrations cannot occur. Civil Rights. the rights of people to be treated without unreasonable or unconstitutional differences. Compensatory Action.

What are the Helms amendments?

Helms Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act, US legislation designed to limit the use of foreign assistance funds for abortion. Helms AIDS Amendments, legislation designed to limit the use of government funds for AIDS educational materials.

Which of the following is an example of reverse discrimination?

Examples of “reverse discrimination” may include: Making hiring or promoting decisions in favor of minority groups, despite the experience or seniority of Caucasian, male, or other majority applicants. Hiring or promoting women solely on the basis of their gender over equally or more qualified males.