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What is SPMF therapy?

What is SPMF therapy?

Sequentially Programmed Magnetic Field (SPMF) therapy is based on the principle that exposure to sequentially programmed electromagnetic fields can suppress tumor growth.

What is the best treatment for glioblastoma?

The best treatment for glioblastoma currently is surgery to remove as much of the tumour as possible, followed by a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Why is GBM so hard to treat?

It affects glial cells, which are glue-like cells that surround neurons. And glioblastoma tumors are especially hard to treat because they aren’t contained in a defined mass with clear borders. Instead, the tumor includes thread-like tendrils that extend into nearby areas of the brain.

Does CBD help glioblastoma?

In over 20 animal studies, CBD/THC was found to drastically decrease the size of and even eliminate glioblastoma. Furthermore, in a few clinical trials and published reports, the variable anti-glioblastoma effects of these two cannabinoids, in combination with other therapeutic modalities, have been demonstrated.

Can a brain tumor be treated with SPMF?

However, with SPMF Therapy, such patients have been treated successfully who have survived for more than five years on average. SPMF is a unique type of treatment that is non-invasive and safe, painless, affordable, scientifically proven and most effective treatment for brain tumor.

Which is the most effective treatment for brain tumors?

Magnetic Field (SPMF) therapy is a unique type of treatment that is non-invasive and safe, painless, affordable, scientifically proven and most effective treatment for brain tumor. In India, at least 40,000-50,000 people are diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme ( GBM) brain tumors, of which 20 percent are children.

How is a brain tumor treated in India?

In India, at least 40,000-50,000 people are diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme ( GBM) brain tumors, of which 20 percent are children. Brain tumors are primarily treated with surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation.