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What is the strongest mineral on Earth?

What is the strongest mineral on Earth?


Are Boers black?

Boer, (Dutch: “husbandman,” or “farmer”), a South African of Dutch, German, or Huguenot descent, especially one of the early settlers of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. Today, descendants of the Boers are commonly referred to as Afrikaners.

Who speaks Afrikaans?

Native to South Africa, Namibia
Ethnicity Afrikaners Basters Cape Coloureds Cape Malay Griqua
Native speakers 7.2 million (2016) 10.3 million L2 speakers in South Africa (2002)
Language family Indo-European Germanic West Germanic Weser-Rhine Germanic Low Franconian Dutch (Hollandic dialect) Afrikaans

How long did apartheid last?

“aparthood”) was a system of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia) from 1948 until the early 1990s.

When did apartheid officially end?

Apartheid, the Afrikaans name given by the white-ruled South Africa’s Nationalist Party in 1948 to the country’s harsh, institutionalized system of racial segregation, came to an end in the early 1990s in a series of steps that led to the formation of a democratic government in 1994.

What is the thinnest natural thing in the world?

Graphene is the strongest, thinnest material known to exist. A form of carbon, it can conduct electricity and heat better than anything else. And get ready for this: It is not only the hardest material in the world, but also one of the most pliable. Only a single atom thick, it has been called the wonder material.

What factors finally brought about the end of apartheid?

What factors finally brought an end to apartheid in South Africa? Outside pressure (like the United States) and protests at home finally convinced South African president F.W. de Klerk to end it. In 1990, he lifted the band on the ANC and freed Mandela.

What is the weakest mineral in the world?

Talc is the softest mineral on Earth. The Mohs scale of hardness uses talc as its starting-point, with a value of 1. Talc is a silicate (like many of the Earth’s most common minerals), and in addition to silicon and oxygen, contains magnesium and water arranged into sheets in its crystal structure.

What was one factor that helped end apartheid in South Africa?

A factor that helped end apartheid in South Africa was the economic sanctions by many of the world’s nations. The United States took the initiative in 1986 to impose economic sanctions to the government of South Africa, trying to put pressure in order to end the cruelty of the apartheid system in South Africa.