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Which of the following administration routes will result in the most rapid action of a drug?

Which of the following administration routes will result in the most rapid action of a drug?

Intravenous (IV) Injection straight into the systemic circulation is the most common parenteral route. It is the fastest and most certain and controlled way. It bypasses absorption barriers and first-pass metabolism. It is used when a rapid effect is required, continuous administraction and large volumes.

Which of the following is a parenteral method of drug administration?

Administration by injection (parenteral administration) includes the following routes: Subcutaneous (under the skin) Intramuscular (in a muscle) Intravenous (in a vein)

What are the principles of safe medication administration?

One of the recommendations to reduce medication errors and harm is to use the “five rights”: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time.

What is the most common method of drug administration used in the radiology department?


How are drugs checked for safety?

A typical test involves giving a known amount of the substance to the animals, then monitoring them carefully for any side-effects. Drugs that have passed animal tests are used in clinical trials. They are tested on healthy volunteers to check that they are safe.

What are the 10 routes of drug administration?

  • Oral administration. This is the most frequently used route of drug administration and is the most convenient and economic.
  • Sublingual.
  • Rectal administration.
  • Topical administration.
  • Parenteral administration.
  • Intravenous injection.

How do you ensure drug safety?

These actions can include providing additional safety information to the public, updating drug labeling, requiring postmarket studies or trials or other risk management interventions, and, rarely, withdrawing approval of a drug.

How a drug is considered effective?

Effectiveness can be defined as ‘the extent to which a drug achieves its intended effect in the usual clinical setting’. It can be evaluated through observational studies of real practice. This allows practice to be assessed in qualitative as well as quantitative terms.

Why do drugs not work on me?

Individuals who do not respond to medications as expected may have genetic differences that change the amount of enzymes available to break down a medication or may cause the enzymes not to work. These genetic differences may have an effect on how someone responds to a medication.

How does age affect drug action?

In general, as we age, total body water and muscle mass decrease while percentage of body fat increases. These changes can lead to drugs having a longer duration of action and increased effect.

What are the principles of Drug Administration?

While there are several principles of drug administration, the five important ones are: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right time and the right route of administration. Modes or routes of drug administration vary from the widely followed oral route to parenteral and inhalational routes.

Why do drugs vary in their effectiveness?

A drug’s action is affected by the quantity of drug that reaches the receptor and the degree of attraction (affinity) between it and its receptor on the cell’s surface. Once bound to their receptor, drugs vary in their ability to produce an effect (intrinsic activity).

Which of the following are routes of administration of drugs quizlet?

Terms in this set (17)

  • oral. Includes all drugs given by mouth.
  • sublingual. Includes drugs that are held under the tongue and not swallowed.
  • inhalation. Incudes drugs inhaled directly into the nose and mouth.
  • parenteral.
  • intracavitary.
  • intradermal (ID)
  • intramuscular (IM)
  • intrathecal.

How does route of administration affect drug action?

Identical drugs can produce different results depending on the route of administration. For example, some drugs are not significantly absorbed into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract and their action after enteral administration is therefore different from that after parenteral administration.

How do genetics play a role in addiction?

By mapping DNA sequences in drug addicts, scientists have been able to isolate gene sequences that indicate a greater risk of becoming addicted to drugs. These gene sequences contain the instructions for producing specific proteins, which perform most of a body’s life functions.

What is the fastest route of administration for a drug quizlet?

injection of a drug directly into the patient’s veins is the most rapid route of administration, resulting in the most rapid onset of action.

What makes a drug effective?

Drugs that activate receptors (agonists) must have both great affinity and intrinsic activity: They must bind effectively to their receptors, and the drug bound to its receptor (drug-receptor complex) must be capable of producing an effect in the targeted area.

Which of the following is the administration of a drug around the spinal cord?

Intrathecal administration is a route of administration for drugs via an injection into the spinal canal, or into the subarachnoid space so that it reaches the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and is useful in spinal anesthesia, chemotherapy, or pain management applications.

Are drugs safe?

Using drugs is never safe. Even prescription drugs may have side-effects or be harmful if not taken properly. And with illicit drugs you often have no idea what is actually in them or how strong they are. The risks to your health, even to your life, can be serious.

Why are the 5 rights of medication administration important?

To help reduce the risk of medication errors, nurses are taught the “Five Rights of Medication Administration”. Also known as the “5Rs”, these principles help to ensure the right drug, right dose, right route, and right patient, at the right time.

Which of the following is a route of drug administration?

For small therapeutic molecules, various routes for drug administration are parenteral (intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous), oral, nasal, ocular, transmucosal (buccal, vaginal, and rectal), and transdermal.

How do drugs act on the body?

The action of drugs on the human body is called pharmacodynamics, and what the body does with the drug is called pharmacokinetics. The drugs that enter the human tend to stimulate certain receptors, ion channels, act on enzymes or transporter proteins.

How does genetic affect drug action?

Because of their genetic makeup, some people process (metabolize) drugs slowly. As a result, a drug may accumulate in the body, causing toxicity. Other people metabolize drugs so quickly that after they take a usual dose, drug levels in the blood never become high enough for the drug to be effective.

What are the most effective drugs?

Top 10 most important drugs in history

  1. 5 reasons why the German life science market keeps on growing. Hutan Fatemi.
  2. Penicillin – 1942. Penicillin was first developed in 1928, but started to be used in 1942.
  3. Insulin – 1922.
  4. Smallpox vaccine.
  5. Morphine – 1827.
  6. Aspirin – 1899.
  7. Polio vaccine.
  8. Chlorpromazine or thorazine – 1951.

What are the reasons a person would react differently to drugs?

Differences in genetics, age, and gender are among several variables that influence individual responses to medications. Additionally, a drug’s intended effect may be altered by coadministered medications, underlying disease states, and food.

Is the study of how genetic variations can affect people’s responses to drugs?

Differences in genetic (inherited) makeup among individuals affect what the body does to a drug and what the drug does to the body. The study of genetic differences in the response to drugs is called pharmacogenetics.

Why is administration of drugs important?

Ensuring that medications are given safely and accurately is a cornerstone of safe medical care. The importance of following the “Five Rights” of Medication Administration (right patient, drug, dose, route, and time) is ingrained in every medical, nursing, and pharmacy student’s training.