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What language is spoken on Ryloth?

What language is spoken on Ryloth?

Twi’leki, also known as Ryl, was a language spoken by Twi’leks from Ryloth.

Why is Ryloth so important?

Ryloth was an important world due to the fact that it was the homeworld of the influential Twi’lek species. For centuries, the planet and its people were exploited by the Hutts and their criminal enterprises as the world served as a key world for the spice trade where slave labor was used to produce goods.

What race lives on Ryloth?

Ryloth is the principal planet in the Ryloth system located in the Outer Rim near Tatooine. It is home to the Twi’leks, a humanoid species with two large, fleshy head-tails growing from their skulls.

Is Kit Fisto a twi lek?

Jedi Master Kit Fisto was one of the few non-Twi’leks to fully master Lekku. As of the Jedi Civil War, an older form of the language, known simply as Twi’lek, was the dominant interstellar commerce language outside of the Republic.

Why was Ryloth important to the Hutts?

Ryloth was an important world due to the fact that it was the homeworld of the influential Twi’lek species. For centuries, the planet and its people were exploited by the Hutts and their criminal enterprises as the world served as a key world for the spice trade where slave labor was used to produce goods.

What kind of language does Ryl speak in Star Wars?

Lekku is a sort of sign language used by Twi’leks using their lekku or ‘head-tails’. Unlike Ryl it is not a spoken language and only uses subtle movements of their lekku so that they may communicate to each other unbeknownst to others. Mabari is an ancient order of warrior-knights on Zam Wesell’s homeworld of Zolan.

Why was Ryloth important to the Twi Lek?

Much of Ryloth’s wildlife was lethally dangerous and forced the native Twi’lek species to live in enclosed cave systems or in easily defended locations. Ryloth was an important world due to the fact that it was the homeworld of the influential Twi’lek species.

What was the Ryl language of the Twi leks?

As of the Jedi Civil War, an older form of the language, known simply as Twi’lek, was the dominant interstellar commerce language outside of the Republic. It was claimed to be nearly as widespread as Basic. The following words had a meaning in Ryl, but could be used as given names for male Twi’leks. [3]